︎︎︎Client Survey
︎︎︎Competitive Analysis
︎︎︎Site Objective
︎︎︎User Persona
︎︎︎Site Architecture
︎︎︎Mobile Wireframe
︎︎︎Desktop Wireframe
︎︎︎User Testing Insight
︎︎︎Mobile Hi-fi Prototype
︎︎︎Desktop Hi-fi Prototype
︎︎︎User Testing II
︎︎︎Final Presentation

User Testing Insight

  • Finding the hours and locations was very convenient since they were displayed in the menu.
  • Having the directions lead directly to Google Maps with the location already inputted was a smooth interaction
  • Pricing Table was not expected to be in the “Visit Us” page. It was expected to be in the “Games” page because it contained relevant information.
  • Laser Tag’s pricing scheme (distinction between paying in money and/or points) was extremely confusing.
    • A quote explaining how the user felt:
“ I feel like they are trying to get me to pay more money by trying to get me to buy the more expensive card. ”

The user test was a time efficient way to get real feedback on how people interacted with our prototype. It helped validate solutions we proposed, but more importantly, it pinpointed problem areas and confusion that we can easily overlook.

Limitations of only doing 1 user testing
We end up giving a lot of weight to the insights we found in our 1 user test. This single user test may not be representative of the target demographic and the single person may have unique idiosyncrasies that may produce confounds. It is excellent for pointing out issues to troubleshoot, but it is definitely not enough to determine solutions that will be the best fit for our general target demographic.